
Headshot Locations Austin

Headshot Locations Austin

I get a lot of inquiries from clients fretting about where to have their professional headshots taken here in Austin, Texas.

I’m here to tell you that with the right photographer, you can make many locations work very well.

I love a challenge and thrive on having easy solutions for my clients.

This was a great business branding photography session with wonderful Jolene!

Without driving or moving around too much, we succeed in several looks for her business.

headshot photography austin, realtor headshots in austin

We wanted to start with some classic branding poses using natural light and space.

This coffee cup is about to go on the ride of its life!

Professional Headshots Austin

I love that coral dress with the green of the surroundings.

Jolene’s choice in jewelry was specific and although each piece was minimal, she’s wearing several items.

Typically I am hired by clients that want to attract a new demographic for their business.

She looks relatable, beautiful, and like she understands what a luxury client might appreciate.

Headshot Locations Austin

Jolene does a quick change in the car and now we’re rocking a sweet purple dress with a camel trenchcoat.

Can this girl rock a coat or what?

I’ve had this camel trench on a wishlist forever but living in Texas, when would I wear the damn thing?

We had some wind issues but all things considered, her hair is unbelievably great!

Professional Headshots Austin

Jolene is still giving killer hair, face, and deltoids! I talked her ear off about her lifting routine at the gym.

These locations are maybe meters away from each other so she didn’t have to hike in snakeskin heels.

headshot photography austin

We cruise back to our old haunt with a quick change into this super sexy leather shirt.

Taking the blazer on and off we created a few new looks and I moved my position for a different backdrop.

We also got a new cup of coffee as a prop. It’s nice to have something to do with your hands for a casual pose.

Business photos austin

At this point, Jolene is the most caffeinated person on earth so we end the day with a few shots just for her.

Looking to level up work-wise and attract a clientele that understands your worth?

Look the part and book a branding photography session here!

Professional Headshots Austin

Headshot Locations Austin, Professional Headshots Austin, Corporate Headshots Austin, Realtor headshots Austin, Business photography


Shoot me a note and let's make it happen, captain!

You can also email me at if needed.

If you are looking for pricing immediately, click here!

