
Taylor + Jaysin | Green Pastures Wedding

Taylor and Jaysin had a wonderful brunch-time Green Pastures wedding a few days before Christmas.

These two flew in from their Hawaiian home to get married in little old Austin! Jaysin is stationed on Oahu right now.

Taylor continues my string of wonderful ginger brides! Love her hair color!

My favorite officiant married these two! Mad props to Sarah de la Fuente, you rule girl!

Since we finished early and they weren’t heading to Ego’s until later, we took some time to shoot a few portraits around Lady Bird.

Mahalo! Thank you both so much! xo

Green Pastures Wedding--2Austin Wedding Photographers-194Green Pastures Wedding-4391Green Pastures Wedding-391Green Pastures Wedding-5284Green Pastures Wedding--4Green Pastures Wedding-4438Green Pastures Wedding--10Green Pastures Wedding-5024Green Pastures Wedding-5031Green Pastures Wedding-5101Green Pastures Wedding--8Green Pastures Wedding-5081

Green Pastures calls this kitty the “wedding cat”. It’s a local cat that just really enjoys randomly crashing weddings! Looks like she’s well fed! Austin Wedding Photographers-2574Green Pastures Wedding-5072Green Pastures Wedding--9Austin Wedding Photographers--21Green Pastures Wedding--7Green Pastures Wedding--16Green Pastures Wedding--11Green Pastures Wedding-6000Green Pastures Wedding--15Green Pastures Wedding-6031Green Pastures Wedding-73Green Pastures Wedding-5973Green Pastures Wedding-5837Green Pastures Wedding--17Green Pastures Wedding--12Green Pastures Wedding-6194Austin Wedding Photographers-94

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Friendly congratulatory honks from the road! Green Pastures Wedding-455Green Pastures wedding


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