
Jes + Ian | Chapel Dulcinea Wedding

As someone that eloped in India almost four years ago, I have a special place in my heart for elopements.

I adored this Chapel Dulcinea elopement shot in late June.

Jes and Ian have been together for a longish time and decided to elope before taking a honeymoon in Mexico!

The bride wore bright blue shoes, a short white lace dress and a killer matte red lip color!

No joke y’all, it was super duper hot.

Jes and Ian eloped at 9am and it was still just ridiculously hot.

Poor Ian in his suit!

Thanks for hanging in there for portraits afterwards you two!

Wonderful Spike Gillespie officiated this wedding.

Check out her site if you are in the market for a wedding officiant here.

Many congrats to Jes and Ian!

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I love this shot of Ian wiping a tear away. Awwww!

Chapel Dulcinea wedding 5Eloping in Austin Texas, Blue Wedding Shoes, red lipstick wedding day Chapel Dulcinea wedding, austin elopement, blue wedding shoes, hill country elopementChapel Dulcinea wedding 4

I love a first kiss on a wedding day but I think first hugs are my favorite. : )

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Chapel Dulcinea Wedding


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